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TENS Pain Therapy
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TENS Pain Therapy


It doesn't always have to be tablets: TENS pain therapy is a fast-acting form of therapy that helps to significantly reduce acute and chronic pain conditions through the targeted setting of stimulus current impulses (nerve stimulation) and to reduce them for a longer period of time. 

Classic applications include back pain, sports injuries and circulatory disorders.

For side-effect-free pain therapy, you will find specially developed, very easy-to-use TENS handheld devices. 


What does TENS mean?

"TENS" stands for Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (transcutaneous = through the skin) and is a side-effect-free pain therapy in which the stimulation current impulses generated by an electrotherapy device are transmitted to the nerve fibers via electrodes on the skin. The pain-relieving effect begins with the beginning of stimulation and usually lasts after the end of the stimulation phase. TENS therapy is free of side effects. 

Why does TENS pain therapy work?

Nerve stimulation not only promotes blood circulation and loosens the muscles, but also achieves a pain-relieving effect. This is mainly based on the gate control effect and beta-endorphin release.

Gate Control Effect

Humans only feel physical pain when corresponding pain impulses reach the brain via nerve conduction and are perceived there by our consciousness. This is exactly what Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) prevents. By stimulating the nerve pathways, the TENS device interrupts or inhibits the transmission of pain signals to the brain – the sensation of pain is alleviated.

Beta-endorphin release

Using TENS therapy devices, the production and release of the body's own beta-endorphins is stimulated. Beta-endorphins have an analgesic effect similar to morphine, but without producing the adverse effects of morphine.

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